Daily Halacha Podcast - Daily Halacha By Rabbi Eli J. Mansour

The Importance of Studying Torah During Hol Ha’mo’ed



The Mishna Berura (work by Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan of Radin, 1839-1933), in a very important passage, cites a comment made by Rabbi Abba Bar Mamal in the Talmud Yerushalmi. Rabbi Abba remarked that if he had the support of his colleagues, he would have permitted work during Hol Ha'mo'ed. Even though Halacha imposes certain restrictions on working during the days of Hol Ha'mo'ed, Rabbi Abba nevertheless felt that the Rabbis should have allowed it. He explained that Halacha imposes these restrictions only so that people could spend this time eating, drinking and studying Torah. Instead, Rabbi Abba observed, people spend Hol Ha'mo'ed eating, drinking and engaging in vanity. Rabbi Abba saw that the free time made available by the restrictions on work was being spent on all kinds of unconstructive activities, rather than being used for Torah learning. He therefore felt that it would be preferable to lift the restrictions on work, so that people would at least be productive rather than waste precious time. Along the