School For Startups Radio

April 12, 2024 - GoComet Gautam Jain and Russian Election Interference Chris Zappone



Gautam Jain – CEO and Co-Founder of GoComet This quote will be added soon, sorry! Gautam Jain is the driving force behind GoComet and a disruptor in the world of logistics. A computer science graduate and top-ranking alumnus of IIT Delhi, Gautam is reshaping supply chain visibility with a bold vision and a passion for transforming the supply chain industry. While he was still in college at IIT Delhi, and along with several classmates, Gautam embarked on a tech journey with real estate startup Plat in 2014, which was acquired by in 2015. This transformative experience ignited their ambition to tackle the complexities of another traditionally “unsexy” industry. In 2016, when Gautam and his associates first experienced exporting products from China and selling on Amazon in the US, they identified a glaring gap: while apps tracked cabs and food deliveries in real-time, the location of a $100,000 container remained an enigma in transit. With opportunity knocking, they launched GoComet to address the