Snake Oil/jim Ventura

Snake Oil Radio/ Yes Dear



Host Jim Ventura is a professional Astrologer and Navigational Consultant with expertise in working with many different types of oracles. He is the author of two metaphysical books and has a popular column that posts six times a year called Snake Oil. He posts videos on YouTube, Insta, and Tik Tok. He works with clients both in personal sessions, in office and by phone sessions and also teaches classes. Information about services can be found at Snake Oil radio is both a grounded and spiritual forum on how everyone can learn to fine tune their intuitive abilities. Some of his shows focus on storytelling and his upcoming comedy and memoir book “My Cast of Characters.” While he does not do mini readings on air, some radio shows will take live calls for discussions about the subject of the show. Yes Dear When I work with clients one of the most frequent subjects I get asked about is relationships. “When will I find one? Where is my soulmate? What do I need to do to help my current relationship?