Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

Negotiation Skills to Overcome Bias with Mita Mallick - LinkedIn Live Event



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: Join us for an empowering LinkedIn Live session featuring the insightful Mita Mallick, best-selling author and podcast host. Hosted by Kwame Christian of the “Negotiate Anything” podcast, this interactive discussion is a must-attend for anyone looking to enhance their negotiation skills, with a special focus on women and people of color in executive roles. Mita Mallick, a trailblazer in advocating for equitable pay and confronting workplace bias, will share her personal journey and the unique challenges she faced in executive salary negotiations. Her insights into power dynamics, privilege, and the importance of allies in the quest for fair compensation are both enlightening and inspiring. Mita also sheds light on the impact of clothing choices and societal biases, offering a comprehensive view of the hurdles faced by women, particularly women of color, in professional settings. This session isn