Kfi's Featured Segments!

@HomewithDean – Homily 04/21



Two words have been on my mind a lot lately: attention and intention. In fact, I can’t think of two words more important to me right now than attention and intention. Why? Because this world we’re living in is too much. I don’t mean that in the “I can’t take it anymore” sense (although sometimes, maybe I do). I mean it quite literally and historically. For the first time in over two million years of human history there’s just way too much.We have cute initials for it - TMI - too much information. That’s what life in our world has become. An endless stream of information vying for our attention from everywhere all the time. Not just information, too much information.Don’t get me wrong, I love information. I think it’s pretty obvious to any student of history that for tens of thousands of years humanity has suffered greatly from not having enough of it. But we have a lot of it now, and we’re learning now that information is like calories. As hungry as we may be, we only need so much, we can only handle so much,