Nobody Likes Onions

April 15, 2024: LESS HOLE, SAME GOAL! April Imholte Anderson NEEDS A JOB With NO DRUG TEST!



The dream comes crashing down just as fast as it began. In an unceremonious and barely-watched Members Only stream on Sunday night, Aaron admits that April will not be returning to the Steel Toe Morning Show, and she may be interested in rejoining the job force, if she can keep her alleged meth habit in check long enough to fill out an application and sniff her way through an interview. What will April do now that her legendary broadcast career has come to an end? Why is Moody rolling with it like this is the plan all along? Is Aaron Imholte actually undergoing some sort of self-reflection that will result in him being less of a narcissist? Will that change be enough to hold on to his failing marriage and April Anderson's ruined radio career. ...