Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

450: Become A More Aggressive Trader | Forex Trader Motivation



Become A More Aggressive Trader In episode 450 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, you will learn how to become a more aggressive trader, defeat self-doubt, and deal with the fear of loss. It's time to take control and not let panic get the best of your trading! Forex Trader Motivation playlist >> Watch the video recording! Here are the full interviews used in this Forex Trader Motivation video: Jason Graystone Chris Tate Gareth Soloway  Jean-Francois Boucher Daryl Guppy What will you start or stop doing after watching this video? Let's talk in the comments below, or join me in the Facebook group! Desire To Trade's Top Resources DesireToTRADE Forex Trader Community (free group!) Complete Price Action Strategy Checklist One-Page Trading Plan (free template) Recommended brokers: EightCap (preferred Crypto and FX Broker) AxiTrader (use our link to get a special bonus) Desire To TRADE Academy About The Desire To Trade Podcast Subscribe via iTunes (take 2 seconds and leave the podcast a review!) Subscribe