
Buy Speed! Why Mentorship Is Important for Gym Owners



When you buy mentorship, you buy speed. In today’s episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Two-Brain founder and CEO Chris Cooper walks you through the mentorship process to show what’s possible and how fast you can move. It’s all about setting a goal, creating a plan with expert assistance, and having someone hold you to the plan so you get the results you want.At the start of the program, we’ll help you score quick wins. We want you to earn the money you need to pay for mentorship, so your mentor will help you create and sell a better offer. As you gain momentum, you’ll build a rock-solid foundation to your business by focusing on marketing, sales, cost control, retention, operations and team building.In the Growth stage, your mentor will create a customized roadmap to get you where you want to go, and you’ll learn to track your metrics so you know you’re making progress. The focus here: Reach your ideal income level—$100,000 is a common target.Once you have a strong, profitable business and some extra time and