Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's Choral Evensong Podcasts

Choral Evensong: William Law, Priest - The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens



Download the Bulletin: Choir: Trinity Chamber Choir Homilist: The Very Rev. Bernard J OwensOrder of Service:The Preces & Responses 
 Office Hymn 186
Psalm 1 First Lesson: 2 Peter 1:3-11 Magnificat 
Second Lesson: Matthew 6:1-8
 Nunc Dimittis 
 Apostle's Creed 
Preces, Responses, & Collects 
 Anthem: The Day Draws on with Golden Light - Edward Bairstow (1874-1946) Spoken Prayers Concluding Versicle 
 Hymn 192
10 April: The Day Draws on with Golden Light - Edward BairstowThe day draws on with golden light, glad songs go echoing through the height, the broad earth lifts an answering cheer, the deep makes moan with wailing fear. For lo, He comes, the mighty King, to take from death his power and sting, to trample down his gloomy reign, and break the weary prisoner's chain. Maker of all, to thee we pray, fulfil in us thy joy today. When death assails, grant, Lord, that we may share thy Paschal victory. Amen.