
The C. O. W. S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 04/12/24



The Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly summit on Neutralizing Workplace Racism 04/12/24 #DontNameYourChildLeRoy Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Chicago published a much ballyhooed study that reveals the ongoing White commitment to White Supremacy/Racism in the area of labor. White employers still reject large numbers of applicants with names commonly associated with black people. Leroy and Lakeisha were two of the names used to suggest that the job seeker was classified as black. Interestingly, the report made no mention of the same sort of impact for people with non-black, non-white sounding names. We also discuss the tremendous increase in young workers entering the trade industry as opposed accruing 4 years of debt and the shaky job prospects of a college degree. We learn a teaspoon about the history of tipping wait staff - which is directly connected to the System of White Supremacy. Female workers in jurisdictions with reduced minimum wage for tipped