Straight Talk With Wayne

Creating Wealth as a Christian



Welcome to “Straight Talk with Wayne”, a renowned daily series brimming with prophetic revelations and insights. Pastor Wayne, of, provides deeply anointed messages of hope and glory, prayer, enlightening biblical teachings as well as topical Christian news. Rooted in Deuteronomy 8:18, this episode sparks a stimulating, perhaps controversial, discussion on prosperity and creating wealth as a Christian. We begin by understanding the biblical indications that poverty is a curse and prosperity, a blessing. As we delve deeper, the discourse evolves to explore whether financial strain implies lack of God's blessings. We scrutinize the compatibility of wealth creation with our spiritual walk in Christ and why it holds pivotal importance. Pastor Wayne also promisingly announces a forthcoming series focusing on wealth: shedding light on the detrimental effects of poverty, fulfilling personal callings and the indispensable role of wealth in achieving personal pleasure and growth, alongside empowerin