The Cycling Podcast

S12 Ep23: Cobbling Together History



The Cycling Podcast Féminin team are looking back over a thrilling cobbled Classics season. Rose Manley, Denny Gray and Orla Chennaoui pick out their favourite moments, hero riders and big surprises from the cobbled races this year.  Catching the team’s attention are emotional moments for Pfeiffer Georgi and Kasia Niewiadoma, breakthrough moments for Puck Pieterse and Letizia Paternoster and heroic antics from Shirin van Anrooij and Lotte Kopecky. With so many exhilarating moments to choose from, will Rose, Denny and Orla agree on anything? Our mini feature this month is on the women’s Ronde Van Vlaanderen which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. With the help of journalists and riders who were there, we explore some of the stories and moments that came out of the early editions of the race. Oenone Wood, Loes Gunnewijk, Giorgia Bronzini and Marion Clignet all share their recollections of races that have been overlooked in recent history. Follow us on social media: Twitter @cycling_podcast Instagram