Daily Halacha Podcast - Daily Halacha By Rabbi Eli J. Mansour

Passover – The Status of Food Prepared in a Hametz Pot



Hacham Ovadia Yosef, in his Yehaveh Da'at (1:11), addresses the case of jelly that was prepared before Pesah with only kosher-for-Pesah ingredients, but in pots that had been used with Hametz and were not koshered for Pesah. Assuming the pot was perfectly clean when it was used for preparing the jelly, may the jelly be eaten on Pesah, as it does not contain any Hametz, or is it forbidden on Pesah because it absorbed the taste of Hametz from the walls of the utensils in which it had been cooked? Hacham Ovadia permits eating the jelly in such a case, noting two reasons why it should not be considered Hametz. First, we generally assume that most pots are not "Beneh Yoman," meaning, they had not been used within the previous twenty-four hours. In light of this assumption, any Hametz flavor in the walls of the pot used for the jelly had been absorbed in the walls for at least twenty-four hours, and thus the flavor is considered "Noten Ta'am Li'fgam" – that is, it imparts a foul taste in the food. A negative taste