Daily Halacha Podcast - Daily Halacha By Rabbi Eli J. Mansour

Passover-How Much Massa Must One Eat at the Seder?



There is a Misva to eat Massa at three points during the Seder: "Mosi -Massa," "Korech" and the Afikoman. For Mosi-Massa, the Shulhan Aruch states that one should eat two Kezaitim. The Mishna Berura explains that eating a second Kezayit solves a Halachic dilemma with regard to the Beracha "Al Achilat Massa." This Beracha is recited while holding the top, whole Massa and the middle, broken Massa, and there is a question whether it refers to the top Massa or the middle one. Therefore, one should eat a Kezayit from both. Hacham Ben Sion and Hacham Ovadia point out that according to this reasoning, participants in the Seder who do not have a Seder Plate with three Massot in front of them and eat from the box, would not be required to eat the extra Kezayit. Nevertheless, it is preferable that all participants eat two Kezaitim at this stage. All authorities agree that the amount of Massa eaten for the Korech sandwich is one Kezayit. The Afikoman is eaten to commemorate the Misva of eating a Kezayit from the Korban