School For Startups Radio

April 3, 2024 - Acquisition Entrepreneur Josh Tolley and DIY Book Barbara B. Richter



Josh Tolley – Acquisition Entrepreneur and Author of Acquisitional Wealth: The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Create Life-Changing Prosperity If you want to buy a business, take whatever you have and multiply that by 10. That’s the size of business that you can afford. Divide that number by three and that’s typically is what that business is going to kick off to owner benefit. If you have $100,000, that’s $1,000,000 business that will typically kick back $300 or $350,000 dollars a year. Josh Tolley is the founder and chairman of Tolley & Company, an organization that buys, builds, operates, and sells companies in multiple industries including finance, spirits, birthing centers, and many others. For more than a decade Josh Tolley, known as “The Chairman” has been the global voice of truth, freedom, and entrepreneurship. He has been bringing his unique perspective to topics including faith, family, finances, politics, social issues, sports, and entertainment. At twelve years old Josh began his entrepreneuria