School For Startups Radio

April 5, 2024 - Enlightened Entrepreneur Corey Poirier and Getting Unstuck Erika Jon



Corey Poirier – Speaker, Podcaster and Author of The Enlightened Passenger To be a paid speaker, speak at Chambers of Commerce and hand out evaluation forms. Those forms are where the money is at! It has six questions on it and one of those questions is ‘do you know who could hire me to give a talk?’ If I speak in a room of 100, I will get 25 suggestions to follow up. Usually, I will book five. Corey Poirier is a multiple-time TEDx Speaker and was recently announced as one of just 15 SUCCESS Magazine Emerging Entrepreneurs (a first time award). He is also the host of the top rated ‘Let’s Do Influencing’ Radio Show, founder of the growing bLU Talks brand, and has been featured in multiple television specials. He is a Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Apple Books and Kobo Bestselling Author, Award Winning Author, and the co-author of the Wall Street Journal / USA Today Bestseller, Quitless. A columnist with Entrepreneur and Forbes magazine, he has interviewed over 6,500 of the world’s top leaders, including everyone