
Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon - The Keys to Unlock Your 7 Figure Mindset



Dr. Darnyelle is an award-winning business growth strategist, multi-millionaire business mentor, and Inc. 5000 CEO. Her journey began in chaotic circumstances, born to drug-addicted parents, and facing challenges that would have discouraged many. However, she defied the odds, broke belief barriers, and emerged as a disruptor in the business world. Unique Journey: Her life's purpose became clear when, at the age of 5, she learned the power of words through a teacher who saw beyond her circumstances. From speaking at officer meetings in the corporate world to building a Mary Kay business, Dr. Darnyelle's entrepreneurial journey took a significant turn when she founded Incredible One Enterprises. Despite early setbacks and a period of eating ramen noodles, she persevered, crossed the million-dollar mark, and now helps others achieve both financial and spiritual abundance in business and life. Faith-Centered Entrepreneurship: What sets Dr. Darnyelle apart is her unapologetic integration of faith with business