
The C. O. W. S. Neutralizing Workplace Racism 04/05/24 #NappyHairInFrance



The C.O.W.S. hosts the weekly summit on Neutralizing Workplace Racism 04/05/24 California christened April Fool’s Day 2024 by boosting wages for fast food workers - which, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom, is composed of 80% non-white workers. Some workers experienced this wage boost with a simultaneous reduction in hours, or in some instances, layoffs. Across the continent in the Washington D.C., minimum wages will rise for tip-earning workers. Once again, this low-skill, low-wage employee group is disproportionately non-white. On the opposite side the planet in France, legislation to prohibit the Racist abuse of black hairstyles in the workplace is being considered by the senate. Lots of this new fangled legislation - often using the verbiage “crown act” - has been passed in many US jurisdictions over the past half decade. Gus is not aware of how these laws are enforced nor what’s supposed to happen to White violators of the new policy. #DEIA #TheCOWS15Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash