Ask The Podcast Coach

The Art of Podcast Feedback: Public or Private?



In this episode of "Ask the Podcast Coach," we dive into the nuances of adding enhanced content like slides to your YouTube videos. I discuss with Jim the evolving landscape of podcasting, the tricky transition from hobby to business, and the balance needed when offering personalized coaching. We also touch on the significance of community-driven podcasting and the essence of constructive feedback. Additionally, we share our personal experiences with website migration and the tribulations of various hosting platforms. As always, we celebrate our supporters in our "wheel o' names" segment, encourage listener engagement, and humorously banter about everything from pizza pilgrimages to tight jeans, all while anticipating next week's exciting insights. Sponsor: If you need podcast artwork, lead agents or a full website, has you covered. Mark is a podcaster in addition to being an award-winning artist. He designed the cover art for the School of Podcasting, Podcast Rodeo Show,