Straight Talk With Wayne

How To IMPEACH Limiting Beliefs!



Welcome to another prophetic revelation and insight packed episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your daily source of Christian enlightenment. In this episode, Pastor Wayne uncovers and explores one of the most common struggles he encounters while coaching people; limited beliefs. He delves into the concepts of these beliefs that individuals adopt from their environment and education. Pastor Wayne discusses how these restricted beliefs often become an inherent part of us, reflecting on a range of areas such as self-comparison, status-consciousness, negative self-talk and self-judgement. Touching on advanced psychological theories on beliefs, he likens them to the soil that nourishes, supports and upholds a plant. Similarly, our beliefs set the path for us in life and dictate our journey. Introducing methods employed in his coaching to map out these limited beliefs, Pastor Wayne points out the critical importance of consciously and consistently challenging them through spiritual and psychological tools. He intr