T-bone Speaks Dentistry

Dentistry, Entrepreneurship, Fulfillment and more! ft. Craig Spodak and Sully Sullivan



In this episode, Dr. Sully Sullivan, Dr. Craig Spodak and I talk about various aspects of dentistry, entrepreneurship, and personal satisfaction. Fueled by our desire to create dental practices that go beyond mere profit-making, we delve into the significance of fostering a supportive culture within the dental profession. We discuss the essential diagnostic skills necessary for associates in expanding dental practices, highlighting the unique obstacles we face and the importance of effective communication and quality dental care. Additionally, we explore the challenges of predicting the future of dentistry over the next five to ten years, encouraging practitioners to approach our  careers with purpose and strategic foresight. Lastly, the episode examines the changing dynamics of achieving work-life balance, shedding light on how dentists' energy and comfort levels evolve as they progress in their careers.@5:42 Acknowledging the Investment in Team for Success@11:05 Recognizing the Limits of Scaling Effici