Better On Draft | A Craft Beer Podcast

Dyngus Day @ Eastern Market Brewing | #MichiganBeer Series #043



CRAFT BEER PODCAST INFO:Back in September of 2023 during an episode of Better on Draft, we learned about a celebration of Easter/Lent, Polish Heritage, and an excuse to party, called Smigus-Dyngus (Dyngus Day).  With no breweries in Hamtramck we reached out to one of the closer breweries that enjoys throwing parties for special days of the year, Eastern Market Brewing.  They invited Wendy and Ken to come out and brew a beer for the day, which was the Dyngus Day Lager!  Before the party started on Saturday, Wendy and Ken sat down with EMBC to talk about the beer, get some updates on the growth of the business, and we talk about the social media trends of craft beer in the future!  MICHIGAN SERIES: Having brought in guests from all over the country this past two years, we wanted to still be true to our roots, so we have began the Michigan Series. A series of Michigan Brewery owners, employees, brewers, and sales reps, talking about what is happening here in the state and what is happening at their facilities.Sp