Daily Halacha Podcast - Daily Halacha By Rabbi Eli J. Mansour

Recommended Modes of Conduct as Part of the Teshuva Process



In the second chapter of Hilchot Teshuva (Halacha 4), the Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Maimonides, Spain-Egypt, 1135-1204) describes the way a person should conduct himself as part of the process of repentance (listen to audio for precise citation). A penitent sinner should accustom himself to cry and pray to God for forgiveness, donate money to charity to the greatest possible extent, and distance himself from the matter regarding which he had committed the sin. Additionally, under certain circumstances it is advisable for a person to go so far as to change his name, in order to convey to himself the psychological message that he is no longer the same person as the one who had transgressed. Finally, the Rambam writes that "Galut," literally "exile" or relocation, is a beneficial means of atonement. Taking residence in a new area often has the effect of humbling and subduing one's character, and it is thus recommended under certain situations for sinners to relocate. It has been explained that this notion underlies th