RIA Weekly

Episode 459: Is Hello A Proper Slack Message?



This week, we discuss Kubecon EU, Nvidia’s hyper growth, having 55 direct reports and the Worldwide Container Infrastructure Forecast. Plus, is “hello” a proper slack message? Watch the YouTube Live Recording of Episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-SnxTaHhL4) 459 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-SnxTaHhL4) Runner-up Titles "Hey. Got a sec? Want to run something by you.” You don’t want to scare you coworkers Eating bugs off your coworkers “Hi” has become a trigger word Rehabilitate the “Hi” 55 Direct Reports Everyone worked at one company, and that one company didn’t want to do the work for everyone. The YAML hand off market Rundown Is Hello a proper Slack message? (https://twitter.com/adamhjk/status/1770411476022354075) Please Don't Say Just Hello In Chat (https://www.nohello.com/2013/01/please-dont-say-just-hello-in-chat.html) Kubecon “Designing for Success: UX Principles for Internal Developer Platforms,” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rqe5Yc13-A) "Boosting Developer Platform Teams with Product T