What If You Just Imagine




Join me as I read a story from my new book.  I think you will be amazed. Have you ever yearned to know what your destiny is? Do you wish to move beyond your quiet desperation to a place of fulfillment, joy, and love? Within this book are insightful messages from souls living in the light ever after. These souls have chosen to connect through Mary by allowing her to provide her clients with meaning to their unexplainable feelings, helping them to open the door to forgiveness and enabling them to finally free their hearts of resentment, disappointment, sorrow, and fear. Through these pages, Mary’s clients in their own words vividly recount the events that helped them out of spiritual darkness through her interpretive readings and divinely inspired wisdom. After you read these touching and inspirational stories, you will feel comforted and more intricately connected to a guiding, loving presence from the light ever after. Through years of spiritual experiences, Mary Lee became a visionary who helps her clients