Evolve: Leadership Impactcast

Updating Your Work Ethic



I constantly hear employees lament about how hard they work and how their hard work is not noticed. This is because people around them are working just as hard so it has become a basic expectation, not a distinguishing characteristic. Hard work is part of the traditional equation for success but, there are people who automate and/or delegate. Others have figured out how to work three-day weeks that are equally productive.  Listen in to explore two different work ethics.  Both impact and are impacted by leadership and culture.  Sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date with our new podcast episodes and blog posts at www.orgsoul.com (Scroll down the landing page to sign up for our newsletter.)  You can also access free resources there. Check out the IFB Academy; A unique one of a kind academy where you will learn about a signature system of leadership and trust.  All courses are based on Yvette's award-winning thought leadership.  Click here for more information >> OrganizationalSoul.LearnWorlds.com