Journal of Accountancy Podcasts

The CFO agenda: Hybrid work, cybersecurity, career development and more



The AICPA & CIMA CFO Conference begins April 24 in Charleston, S.C. Sandy Sloyer, CPA, CGMA, and Misty Geer, CPA, CGMA are long-time members of the conference planning committee, and they joined the JofA podcast to discuss how priorities have changes for finance leaders over the past few years — and how the conference agenda has been adapted as a result. Here’s a link to the list of conference sessions. What you’ll learn from this episode: ·         Attendance options for the April conference. ·         How the conference planning committee adapted to the pandemic era. ·         Key issues facing CFOs and the finance function these days. ·         Agenda highlights, along with some of Geer’s favorite speakers from previous years. ·         Sloyer’s feeling every year when the conference ends. ·         Why the event is for current CFOs and aspiring ones.