

Jesus was fully God, and fully human, both at the same time. Jesus, as a human being, lived in this broken and fallen world. And in his humanity, Jesus experienced temptation just like us. Because of this, we have a Savior who understands us. When Jesus was in the wilderness he fasted for 40 days. At the end of the fast he was hungry, and the devil came to him to tempt hm. The devil tempted his to "turn these stones into bread". Or said another way, the essence of the temtptation was for Jesus to take care of the legitimate needs of his physical body in his own way. As if the devil was saying, "You're hungry Jesus, so do what you need to do to take care of yourself!" And in much the same way, the enemy often comes to us and tempts us to take care of the legitimate needs of our own physical body in our own way. In this sense, the urge for a man to satisfy his legitimate sexual needs through the use of pronography is a similar temptation to "turn these stones into bread". Jesus set the example for us. Jesus was