Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Minisode 589: What it looks like to navigate a break-up, Part 2



As you probably have heard by now, I’m going through a major life change (if you missed that minisode in July, check out episode 540 HERE.) A few weeks ago I released a minisode (episode 586 HERE) about how I’m getting through it, and today’s episode is part two where I’m taking you with me around more of the how.  In this minisode, I’m revealing what I’m doing to get myself to where I want to go. I’m hoping it can be helpful for you to see what the work looks like in real time.  First up, is getting really clear on what I want. I’ve broken my life into parts, and every day I do some journaling focusing on those parts:  My kids My home My income  My health My love life  As well as what I’m grateful for.  I also talk about how in this part of my life, for the first time, I’m betting on myself. I’m leaning into all parts of myself, which includes all of my emotions. I’m feeling my feelings full out. The joy, the sadness, the anger and sometimes rage, the hope, the fear too. I’m learning to really, truly trust m