Editor and Publisher Reports

229 The “whats, whys and hows” of The Association of Community Publishers (ACP)



The Association of Community Publishers (ACP) is a dynamic organization dedicated to supporting and empowering free, community-based media outlets across the United States. Founded to promote excellence in local journalism and foster collaboration among community publishers, the ACP represents a diverse array of publications, including newspapers, shoppers, magazines, directories and digital news platforms — all with no paid access to the print or online content they provide. This year's annual conference will be held May 1-3 in Norfolk, Virginia and will offer programs mainly centered on building revenue. It also will feature a new “THRIVE” certificate program hosted by Author and "Sales Futurist" Meridith Elliott Powell. Her scheduled keynote presentation is designed to help attendees "do the impossible and take action to lead through uncertainty." In this episode of "E&P Reports," we speak with Manuel Karem, the general manager of Featured Media in Avon, New York and current president of The Associatio