Savvy Painter Podcast With Antrese Wood

How To Reconnect With Play And Joy In Your Art - Ep309



Let's chat about embracing experimentation, playfulness, and bringing a childlike sense of curiosity into your creative process! In this episode, Antrese Wood shares her experiences and insights on how fear of failure and perfectionism stifles creativity, and offers strategies to overcome these obstacles. How do we do that? Bring back play and experimentation into your creative process. Play and experimentation leads to authenticity, growth, and learning. Our fear of failure and perfectionism blocks creativity, so we discuss concrete techniques to recognize and work through these fears. Embracing mistakes and imperfections as part of your process, and maintaining a sense of curiosity and joy, are keys to creating meaningful and emotional art. Here's what you learn how to do today in this episode: Embrace experimentation and playfulness in your creative process to unlock authenticity and growth. Recognize when fear of failure or perfectionism is driving your actions and stifling creativity. Name and acknowled