Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Wonder of the Resurrection



Romans 8:34 — What is in two words? In this sermon on Romans 8:34 titled “The Wonder of the Resurrection,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on the apostle Paul’s words “more than that” (or in the KJV “yea rather”). These words represent a summary of the central affirmation of the glory of the Christian position. They recall the triumph and victory of the Christian gospel itself. In this Easter message on the wonder of the resurrection, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that to be a Christian is to be a person who has a sense of victory, joy, exhilaration, and assurance. What causes such rejoicing and assurance? It is the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds the meaning and beauty of Paul’s words in Romans 8:34 and demonstrates what is proved and established by Christ’s resurrection. In the resurrection, Christ is proved to be the Lord. The resurrection proves Christ’s cross work was complete and He has power over all enemies. The resurrection of Christ establishes His asce