Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Data Visualization is a Valuable Tool for Leaders – A leading expert on data visualization talks with Steve about knowing, understanding and communicating the value of the numbers



      Dr. Kristen Sosulski               Data Visualization is a Valuable Tool for Leaders Understanding financials is a critical responsibility of the manager and leader. You also must be able to communicate the value of those numbers effectively. Too often presentations will be planned to educate, inform and gain consensus, but end up being dull, boring and confusing. Not enough time is spent giving thought to the value of the information in order to gain agreement and move ideas forward. How well do you understand the numbers that are driving your business? How well can you communicate the value of that information to those who do not understand yet have a role in helping ideas come to fruition? If you are in a position of leading others to desired outcomes, of presenting ideas and gaining support, or to educate and inform others of the success your team is having, it is incumbent to understand the importance of data visualization and how it plays a role in the success of you and others.   Lear