Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Are You a Good Listener? – Steve talks with Fred Halstead, an expert in helping leaders enhance listening skills and develop the ability to ask powerful questions



      Fred Halstead                 Are You a Good Listener?  Be honest. Are you a great listener? Have you mastered the art of asking powerful questions? Do you show respect to team members by delegating and holding them accountable for results? One of the measures of good leadership is the number of successful people who are the result of your leadership. Showing respect for team members and helping them achieve success comes from focused listening of what they desire in their career, asking powerful questions to draw out their best, challenging them through delegation and then holding them accountable for results. It is a life-long challenge for leaders to continually improve their listening skills while developing their ability to ask impactful questions. In this podcast, Steve talks to Fred Halstead, author of Leadership Skills that Inspire Incredible Results, to get his insights on how to recognize weaknesses in listening, questioning, delegation, accountability and more, and how to create im