Albuquerque Business Podcast

STOP Demonizing Your Team! The SECRET to Seeing Their TRUE Potential



The Dichotomy of Leadership: Embracing Complexity for Authentic Impact As leaders, we are frequently taught to be decisive and project certainty. But the world, and the people we lead, are rarely black and white. Truly impactful leadership demands embracing the contradictory, the complex, and finding power in the uncomfortable "grey spaces." Teal Swan's thought-provoking exploration of dichotomy offers a powerful lens to re-examine how we lead, and how we see ourselves. The Discomfort of "And" Our brains crave simplicity. We want easy answers, neat narratives. Witnessing good and bad traits coexisting in a person – whether it's someone we manage, a public figure, or even ourselves – creates a cognitive dissonance most of us struggle to tolerate. This leads to: Demonizing or Glorifying: Biased narratives and all-or-nothing thinking warp our understanding of those we lead, undermining balanced judgment. Splitting: We compartmentalize, seeing team members as "all good" or "all bad" (and ourselves too!). This