Sega Mixer Drive... With Rexy

E471 - 18 February 2024



It's SEGA Mixer Drive's first regular show of season 12, featuring an award-winning band from New York in the Community Spotlight, Remix Highlights that include a crossover out of nowhere between Coffee Date and Tune In With Chewie and the first Signal Theory block of the year bringing together an ensemble of arrangements. Chapters: 00:00:00 - Welcome to SEGA Mixer Drive! 00:00:30 - D-RAM - SPLASH WAVE 00:04:50 - This is SEGA Mixer Drive 1 00:12:58 - J Damashii - Streets of Rage "Deku Meets Knuckleduster" OC ReMix 00:16:53 - GlitchxCity - Crisis City (from "Sonic the Hedgehog 2006") 00:21:12 - Jun Senoue - The Air 00:24:01 - halc, Jewbei - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Icebreaker" OC ReMix 00:26:09 - This is SEGA Mixer Drive 2 00:39:00 - The 8-Bit Big Band - Hydrocity Zone - feat. Grace Kelly (from Sonic the Hedgehog 3) 00:42:49 - The 8-Bit Big Band - Last Surprise (From Persona 5) ft. Jonah Nilsson 00:47:44 - The 8-Bit Big Band - Passing Breeze (From Outrun) 00:52:58 - The 8-Bit Big Band - Beneath the Mask (From Pe