The Twenty Minute Vc: Venture Capital | Startup Funding | The Pitch

20VC: The Future of TikTok; Is it a Danger to US National Security| Why the "Woke Mind Virus" is a "Post-Modern Religion" and Is it Too Late to Reverse | Why the Education System is Broken | Investing Lessons from Wish, Palantir and Lady Gaga | Joe Lonsda



Joe Lonsdale is the Founder and Managing Partner at 8VC, an early-stage venture capital firm managing over $6 billion in capital. In 2003, he founded Palantir Technologies. Since then, he has founded over a dozen companies, including Addepar, a wealth management platform helping investors manage over $5 trillion, and OpenGov, recently sold for $1.8BN. In Today’s Episode with Joe Lonsdale We Discuss: The Making of a Multi-Unicorn Founder: What was Joe like as a child? How would his parents and teachers have described him? What does Joe know now that he wishes he had known when he started his career? How does Joe view the importance of luck and skill in success? America’s New Dawn: Navigating Frontiers and Accountability What did Joe mean by describing America as a “frontier nation”? How does Joe contrast America’s frontiers with Europe’s social safety nets? How does Joe propose restoring America using the “scalpel over the sledgehammer” approach? How can America introduce accountability to non-profit instit