Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Understanding the Shadows of Time – John Newton



Understanding the Shadows of Time John Newton Have you ever gone to the movie theatre to watch a movie and it seemed like you already knew what was going to happen? As if you has seen this movie before? Or perhaps you are traveling and on a sight-seeing trip you give directions to where you are headed, even though you have never visited this area before? Have you ever watched a movie and you could see some aspects that “seem” to reflect Biblical events or themes, but, it did not seem “just right” in some way? Well, our guest today is making a difference by taking on subject matter like I just shared – and so much more! Praise God! John Newton is our guest today. He is an author, an electrical engineer, robotics programmer, part-time farmer and is the father of seven. Amen.  He is the host of an amazing YouTube Channel, John Newton Scifi.  His tag line is “Bringing the past to life and the future into focus.”  Amen! His first book is titled, “The Healing Stone” and is book number one in what will be called “