School For Startups Radio

March 4, 2024 - RV Rental Garr Russell and Renegade MD Dr. Susan Partovi



Garr Russell – Founder and CEO of Fireside RV Rental and Author of My Wheel-Estate Story: From lawnmowers to RV’s, my entrepreneurial journey filled with faith, failures, and fun times Entrepreneurs always think about how to turn something into a business, or how to turn a liability into an asset. So, I put my RV on Craigslist for rental and within hours I had inquiries. Garr Russell is the Founder and CEO of Fireside RV Rental. Having started, scaled, and sold several companies, Garr’s genius lies in understanding systems, processes, sales, marketing, leadership, and forging the way for others. In 2016 he entered the RV space with just his personal travel trailer and has since expanded to hundreds of RV’s under management and 8 figures in RV rentals under his belt. Garr is paving the way in the RV rental world as the nation’s first RV rental management franchise with locations all around the US and projects to close in on 100 locations by the end of 2024. Garr’s franchisees earn a whopping 40%+ management