Compliance Perspectives

Julie Janeway on Compliance Investigations [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Julie Janeway (LinkedIn), General Counsel and principal owner, Principled  Healthcare Consulting will be speaking about internal and parallel investigations at the 2024 HCCA Compliance Institute. In this podcast she slices off a bit of that expertise. A thorough investigation is needed, she advises whenever there is an issue that could require arbitration, a court case, administrative hearing, contractual dispute or reputational issues, whether by an employee, contractor or the organization itself. The same is true if there is a policy breach or alleged violation of the code of conduct. So how best to do it? Have both an investigation plan and a preplan which designates who will be responsible for the investigation depending on what the issue is. For example, a privacy officer would likely play the lead role in a HIPAA breach allegation. As for the plan itself, it should be thorough. The team executing it should include individuals with a wide range of skills and, she highly recommends