I Hear Of Sherlock Everywhere

A History of the Woman



“to Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman” [SCAN]  This is a fascinating episode that brings us closer to the inside story of "The Woman" — an honor bestowed every year by the Baker Street Irregulars — and a bit of personal history from one of those very women. Beverly Wolov is a longtime Sherlockian and is well-known by the Sherlockian community as a longtime companion of Peter Blau, BSI ("Black Peter"). You've heard from Peter on four episodes previously (links to those below), but now you have an opportunity to hear about Bev's role — in particular how her journey is bookended by Michael Kean, "Wiggins" of the BSI. Bev does a wonderful job of bringing us back in time and helping us understand how The Woman is selected, what has happened at their dinners and how the proceedings have evolved, and even shares a bit of the tradition with us.   We have the Canonical Couplet quiz again. The winner, chosen at random from all correct answers, will win a copy of the 2022 Baker Street Journal Christmas Annua