

Episode 471 – Progress and Perfection   Today we have Carl. He is 52 years old and lives in California. He took his last drink on August 22nd, 2014.   Café RE – promo code OPPORTUNITY waives set up fee.   [03:08] Thoughts from Paul:   Arriving at a perfect balance with progress and perfection is ungodly hard, and we all struggle with it.   No one is perfect and if you’re telling yourself, you should be doing more of ABC and less of XYZ, welcome to the party, welcome to the human condition. There is progress though, you are self-aware which is more than 1/2 the battle.   We have to have dualities, for example, tall to know short, you need silence to know sound. You have to have imperfection to know perfection. They are both equally important and you can’t have one without the other.   So, with progress not perfection, most of us are using someone else’s version of perfection to define ourselves. While your soul is remarkably perfect, this is no perfection in this perfectly imperfect world. Go do you, and remem