English Bible Study

Proverbs 6:6-19 - Consider the Ways of the Ant, and be Wise!



This week's Bible study continues with a discussion on the value of work in one's life. According to what the Bible says, a person who does not labor should not eat. The work of God is not distinct from our occupations or our studies! God hastened us to subdue the earth during creation; every minute we spend studying or working at a job is a kind of subduing the earth. The proverb then goes on to describe the ant's labors, showing how, although producing relatively little each day, it accumulates enough food for the winter months over time, even if it does not see the results of its labors right away. Similar to how one's soul experiences winter, we must prepare ourselves by reading spiritual books that will keep our souls warm during this dark period. On the other hand, there is the slothful person who hides from God and the outside world and confides through a single habit. Fr. Mina talks about the seven things that God hates as he wraps up the proverb!