RIA Weekly

Episode 455: LTS: Let Thou Support it



This week, we discuss open source forks, what’s going on at OpenAI and checkin on the IRS Direct File initiative. Plus, plenty of thoughts on taking your annual Code of Conduct Training. Watch the YouTube Live Recording of Episode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAwXvnb53iY) 455 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAwXvnb53iY) Runner-up Titles I live my life one iCal screen at a time We always have sparklers Meta-parenting Everyone is always tired Cheaper version of Red Hat This week in “Do we need to be angry?” All we get is wingdings. I’m in a Socialist mood this week Pies shot out of my eyes and stuff Those dingalings bought my boat Dingalings of the mind Rundown CIQ Offers Long-Term Support for Rocky Linux 8.6, 8.8 and 9.2 Images Through AWS Marketplace (https://ciq.com/press-release/ciq-offers-long-term-support-for-rocky-linux-8-6-8-8-and-9-2-images-through-aws-marketplace/) Will CIQ’s new support program alienate the community (https://medium.com/@gordon.messmer/will-ciqs-new-support-program-alienate-the-