Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Achieve Salon Commission Excellence with These 5 Insider Tips



Hello, my lovely salon enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to bring you an episode that delves into the heart of motivating your salon team and boosting profits with an artful approach to commissions. In this episode, titled "Achieve Salon Commission Excellence with These 5 Insider Tips," I unwrap the secrets behind creating a commission structure that perfectly harmonises with your salon's wage strategy and resonates with your team's ambitions. We're not just crunching numbers here; it's about the people that bring your salon to life. I'll take you through how a zero commission model can breathe new life into your business approach, breaking away from traditional salon management styles. I'm also bubbling with excitement for our upcoming interactive Q&A—where I'll be answering your most pressing questions with insights that sizzle! And there's more! Don't forget to check out our mini-course available on our website. It dives into five dynamic commission structures for a richer understanding of what might work best