Houston Sports Talk

Can UH Cougars Win Title in '24? How's Football Better under Fritz? (with Coogs Insider Sam Razz)



Host Robert Land asks Coogs Insider & Scott & Holman Pawdcast Co-Host Sam Razz if Kelvin Sampson is in his best position to win a championship this season. He talks about beating the Longhorns, getting revenge against Iowa State, the biggest surprise this season & what he thinks about new Football Coach Fritz's recruiting & coaching staff.(:58) How'd it feel to spank Longhorns?(1:38) Differences in UH offense in last month? (LJ Cryer's shooting?)(3:25) Is the Big 12 helping Coogs?(4:50) Biggest surprise this season?(6:30) Jamal Shead's importance?(10:20) Coogs best chance to win Tourney in '24?a(12:37) Fritz's 1st recruiting class?(15:11) Who are a couple players who could impress next season?(18:30) Is Fritz's staff impressive?(21:00) How does New Football Facility look?Subscribe on Youtube, Spotify, Apple, iHeart & GoogleTiktok @HoustonSportsTalkRobertX @HSTPodcast @shpawdcast #kelvinsampson #gocoogs #williefritz