Compliance Perspectives

Richard Bistrong on Conference Networking [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Some people have a gift for invisibly attending a conference, and no one knows that they were even there. That’s great for a conference of spies, but most people at compliance conferences like to meet at least some of the other attendees. For many, though, connecting with strangers is difficult, whether they know no one or they are shy about going beyond their usual circle of contacts. So what do you do if you are one of them? To find out we spoke with Richard Bistrong (LinkedIn), newsletter author and CEO Of Frontline Antibribery, who will be moderating a general session at the 2024 SCCE European Compliance & Ethics Institute in Amsterdam. If you spot someone standing alone and looking a bit lost, he recommends you think like a host and invite them to join you. Even if you’re already talking with friends, he advises being a croissant and not a bagel: be sure there is an opening for others. Make the effort to catch them up with the conversation – “we were just discussing helplines”—and