Appleton Gospel Church

The Gift of the Spirit



The Gift of the Spirit: On the night before the cross, Jesus knew he was leaving his disciples, but he promised not to leave them alone. He would send another advocate or counselor, the Spirit of truth. The Holy Spirit would come alongside the disciples and call them forward in the way of Jesus. Even today, believers have been given the Spirit of the living God — what an incredible gift! Recorded on Feb 18, 2024, on John 14:15-31 by Pastor David Parks. Finding Life in Jesus’ Name is a sermon series on the gospel according to John in the Bible. Have you ever felt unsatisfied with your life? Or, even when things were going well, something was still missing? Many people sense there must be something more. But what?? John, one of the closest friends of Jesus, believed that Jesus came into the world so that we may have life and have it to the full. Jesus turned John’s life upside down, and John claims this new life — marked by God’s power, presence, and purpose — is available for all who believe.