Podcast Talent Coach

Podcast Promotion Questions – PTC 480



HOW DO I GROW MY PODCAST? When it comes to growing our podcast, I get many questions about podcast promotion. How do we get in front of new listeners and invite them into our show? On this episode, we'll answer a variety of questions about podcast promotion.   PODCAST GROWTH EQUATION There are two sides to the podcast growth equation. A larger audience involves keeping your current listeners coming back week after week while you are attracting new listeners to your show. If you are only promoting your show on social media and to your email list, you are only speaking to people who already know you. This does very little to grow your audience. However, podcast promotion on social media and to your list is important to keep your current listeners coming back every episode. So, keep it up. To grow, you also need to get in front of new listeners who are unaware of you. Invite those people into your world, so you can increase the number of listeners. As we go through these questions around podcast promotion, we'll