By The Bi

399 - PornHub Facts 2023



Join Angela, Bradford, and guests, Coby & Judy, this week on By the Bi for a deep dive into the intriguing world of Pornhub in 2023. Together, we’ll uncover the platform’s most surprising facts, from the year’s top searches to unexpected user trends, revealing what these statistics illuminate about contemporary desires and the shifting dynamics of adult entertainment.This candid discussion goes beyond mere numbers, exploring the broader implications of Pornhub’s data on sexuality, relationships, and how we connect in the digital age. With our guests adding their unique perspectives, expect an episode filled with humor, thoughtful analysis, and open-hearted conversation, designed to entertain and enlighten in equal measure.Don’t miss this engaging and eye-opening episode. Subscribe to By the Bi now for more explorations into the fascinating intersections of human sexuality, relationships, and the internet with Angela, Bradford, Coby, and Judy.Want to help us out? Sure you do!!!Help us out on Patreon and join